Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Calling out a critic

Okay first of all I know that everyone is entitled to an opinion even if said opinion is contrary to my own. But I should hope people are open minded enough to at least hear my side of why I dislike something and not just automatically jump into defense mode. I give you the respect of hearing you out before I tear down your Jericho Wall of fandom. When talking to a critic you have to realize that he or she sets the same standard for what they are reviewing as they set for themselves (at least I do). When going into a movie we go in with an open mind and will watch and tell what we think is wrong and where it can improve knowing full well that the director or artist will not take our opinion into consideration. We review and critique because we have a love for the art of what we are reviewing. Me movies are my review point of choice. While I know a lot of my reviews may come off as biased I give every movie the chance it deserves and if I am feeling generous because someone told me I should give it another shot I will.

When it comes to other reviewers and critics I use the rule of three. I will give that reviewer/critic three chances and will rarely give fourth or fifth chances. Take Film Brain for example, I gave him five chances and by the fifth he had impressed me. I will more likely then not, stop watching something after three tries because three is the baseball rule (you know three strikes and your out). It may not seem fair but that is how I roll.

All I ask in return is that if you are going to call me out, at least give me the same respect I would give you. :)

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