Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Welcome Back (PSN Half Erect)

Back in April I posted on the Hiatus of the PSN due to a Hacker Attack. I am not completely one hundred percent as to when it went back online. But it is back. I fired up my PSN to my joy I see "A System Update must be installed. You can do this by going to settings and System Updates." I eagerly scrolled over to the update and got it. When it was complete to my joy I was able to log on to my PSN account (after a password change).

You maybe wondering as to the title selection. It means that while PSN is back up the Playstation Store is not. It is still undergoing maintenance. While normally this wouldn't bug me, but I would like to see PSN restored to it's former glory. While the argument of which Gaming Console Online Service is better. Let me first say this. Just because your online service for your console wasn't hacked and had to be shut down, does not make your service better.

I will not go into that debate because this is joyful news that the PSN is making it's way back. Through trials and tribulations what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger.

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