Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The most touching moments of Final Fantasy

This is a short list for me. Because I have only played a few Final Fantasy games. Final Fantasy (3,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13 and Tactics) This list my opinion if you don't like go fornicate yourself with a rusty pipe.

This list is only 5 places long so don't expect much

5. Serah Becomes a Crystal from Final Fantasy XIII. It is touching because at the very beginning of the story we are introduced to the fact that no matter what they do their course is predestined to become either a crystal or a monster.

4. Garnet and Enio Summoning Alexander In Castle Alexandria from Final Fantasy IX. A touching moment and gives you the impression that Enio and Garnet may or may not be sisters or at least half sisters.

3. The Opera Scene from Final Fantasy VI. While not as tear jerking as say the death of Aeris from Final Fantasy VII, the lead up to it is amazing and all the events after just solidify the moment as one of Final Fantasy's most touching moments.

2. Parom and Palom becoming stone to save the party in Final Fantasy IV. A scene that can Rival Aerith's death from VII because it gives you the emotion that holy fuck two of my characters just bit the dust. While only with you a short time the pair grow on you and become this emotional support to an already beautifully crafted story with characters you can easily invest yourself in. Here watch, this clip comes from the Nintendo DS remake of the Final Fantasy IV.

1. Aerith's Death, Final Fantasy VII. This scene alone had gamers young and old weeping. You spent hours upon hours days upon days (depending on how meticulously you spent level grinding and getting everything you can on the first disc) building this character up, you see the love between Aerith and Cloud blossom from small to genuine love. Then Death from above. The spark that lights the fire in the soul of the heroes to make you want the bad guy to pay with his life for destroying Aerith.

I hope you have enjoyed this list. Please feel free to comment and tell me which moments you thought were touching and impactful in the Final Fantasy Series.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The iEnd? MUWHAHAHAHA....I mean

Today Steve Jobs one of the founders of Apple has stepped down as CEO due to Health issues and not being pushed out by Stockholders. With Steve resigning and the seat of power being given to Apple's one time COO (Chief Operating Officer) Tim Cook. To me PC lover internally I am going WOOOO YEAH THE TITAN HAS BEEN SENT TO TARDURIS (The Underworld of the Underworld and The Prison of Chronos and his many pieces). But I must tip my hat to Mr. Jobs because if it wasn't for him Microsoft wouldn't have pushed itself to compete as long and hard as it has to give us. While I HATE the ifails I mean iPods (in all of it's MANY incarnations) I do recognize that it is a powerhouse among MP3/4 players. Mr. Jobs thank you for your contribution to Technology enhancement and god speed on your road to recovery with your Health.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Two Parts of Breaking Dawn.... REALLY?

I know I have known for awhile that ever since news of Deathly Hollows was going to broken into parts that the Director of Breaking Dawn was following suit. TWO PART MOVIE TO A BOOK THAT HAS NO SUBSTANCE. A movie broken into two unneeded parts because if you take out the padding in the book it will literally translate into 90 coherent minutes. BUT NO we the critics will have to suffer trough two parts of nonsensical crap. But in all fairness, this movie both parts will bring in a HUGE chunk of change because of two factors. 1. The brainwashed fan base. 2. The critics and men dragged in by their girlfriends.

I was on the huffington post website under the movie section (link will be in the sources) but I saw this hilarious photo. Which I will caption

*Note the circle, doesn't he look like Lewis Black and All I can picture him saying is "What the fuck did you two do. Now we have to deal with your hellspawn burlurp child thing."

I give this series so much crap because it is poorly written, the plot goes no where. It destroys the mythos of vampires and werewolves. The one character in the series that you could actually like is thrown under bus because he originally wasn't apart of the authors wet dream.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Jersey Shore hits Italy

Fist pumping kids from NY who go Down The Shore (it's a Jersey saying "We're going down the shore." and when we are at the shore we don't say we're in Seaside we say. "We are down the shore.") The cast of MTV's Jersey Shore filmed their fourth season in beautiful Italy. What can be expected from this season drunken asses doing douche bag things just in Italy. From the trailer it seems like Mike did something to piss off Ron. The only thing I can say about the trailer when you see Mike The Situation on the ground is this

So as we draw closer to another mind numbing season of The Jersey Shore, I have my vodka ready to perform drinking games to the various things that happen over and over and over in one episode.