Monday, August 22, 2011

Two Parts of Breaking Dawn.... REALLY?

I know I have known for awhile that ever since news of Deathly Hollows was going to broken into parts that the Director of Breaking Dawn was following suit. TWO PART MOVIE TO A BOOK THAT HAS NO SUBSTANCE. A movie broken into two unneeded parts because if you take out the padding in the book it will literally translate into 90 coherent minutes. BUT NO we the critics will have to suffer trough two parts of nonsensical crap. But in all fairness, this movie both parts will bring in a HUGE chunk of change because of two factors. 1. The brainwashed fan base. 2. The critics and men dragged in by their girlfriends.

I was on the huffington post website under the movie section (link will be in the sources) but I saw this hilarious photo. Which I will caption

*Note the circle, doesn't he look like Lewis Black and All I can picture him saying is "What the fuck did you two do. Now we have to deal with your hellspawn burlurp child thing."

I give this series so much crap because it is poorly written, the plot goes no where. It destroys the mythos of vampires and werewolves. The one character in the series that you could actually like is thrown under bus because he originally wasn't apart of the authors wet dream.


1 comment:

  1. I find your assessment. Of the books in the twilight series to be accurate and that also these books should be taken off the shelves.
