Tuesday, February 8, 2011

America should not Run on Dunkin

Okay, before I get into this let first explain that I had been a fan of Dunkin Donuts for many years. Then things just started getting progressively bad. This story takes place back in 2008. I was working for a collections law firm at the time, everyday before work I would drive to the Dunkin Donuts and I would order my coffee and breakfast sandwich. First thing I noticed was the quality of the store had gone down once it received a new manager (I knew the guy was new cause it wasn't the usual manager who would greet me.) Thinking nothing of it I ordered my usual only to see my breakfast sandwich was burnt and so was my coffee. So I changed Dunkin Donuts, went to another same results burnt food and burnt coffee. Still not deterred I again went another Dunkin Donuts but changed my drink to one of their Latte's only to find out upon sipping it it was just Coffee with something called a turbo shot in it. AGAIN not deterred I went to yet another with the same results burnt food a Latte that wasn't a Latte and each store I had switched to dirty and the the food had made me sick that day.

I realize that when you are a high demand product especially in a fast paced environment things are bound to get hectic. BUT for god sakes will it kill you to clean when your not busy. Still undeterred I went back this time receiving an actual latte only to my disappointment they had burnt the espresso. Here it is eleven in the morning haven't had a good cup of coffee in months. My boss had noticed the change in my normal mood had gradually dropped from happy to be at work, to, talk to me and I swear I will end you. To which she had suggested I switch to Starbucks. I was no stranger to Starbucks but I was hesitant at first to completely change because Dunkin was on the way to work and convenient. But a change in driving schedule I found going to Starbucks wasn't a big deal.

Now for all of you who constantly say "STARBUCKS IS EXPENSIVE, I DON'T WANT TO PAY FOUR BUCKS FOR COFFEE!" Only the specialty drinks are higher in price. And to all of you who say "WE HATE HOW THERE COFFEE TASTES!" You do realize that you are probably drinking a bold blend. Try the Mild Roast Pike's Place. ALSO a cup of coffee (Not a specialty drink) is the same price as Dunkin.

It has been three years since I have switched to being a regular Starbucks customers and I haven't had any problems with the Quality of the stores or the products. The only way I would stray would be if America Suddenly got a chain of Tim Hortons Now that is good coffee.

Remember America Gets The Runs on Dunkin!!

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