Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Rise of the pre-cybermen?

With the latest spectacle of Watson at Jeopardy, it seems not just TV game shows are getting the AI treatment. Hasbro entertainment has unveiled the first dice and paper-moneyless Monopoly game titled Monopoly Live. In an attempt to revitalize the dieing board-game genre, Monopoly has been revamped with an infrared watchtower which stands at ten inches tall and dominates the center of the board. The tower monitors player moves, rolls the dice, tells you instructions and corrects you if you make a mistake. The all seeing eye tower of monopoly live will take the element of subtle cheating out of the game. Tell me honestly that you never once cheated at a game of monopoly.

Monopoly live is meant to appeal to younger kids who are so enthralled with digital downloads and apps. Hasbro has also announced a board-game version of Angry Birds is in the works.

Lets face it, technology is vastly out classing and outmatching the archaic old school. With a generation who is so used to instant gratification, things like boardgames will be a thing of distant memory. AI taking over game-shows and now boardgames, what is next robotic vacuum cleaners.......wait we have that already (Roomba lol)

1 comment:

  1. Source Yahoo game news:
