Thursday, February 24, 2011

You Shall Not Pass......Do not underestimate me old man

I know that I usually only post one FCFF a week but, last night I was inspired by a debate with a friend on who the better wizard was. So instead of blogging the conversation. I decided to make a special FCFF.

Raistlin Majere Vs Gandalf

Bio: Raistlin Majere, Archmage of the Order of Black Robes and TRUE master of the Tower of High Sorcery in Palanthas. A physically weak and sickly man, even before the Test of High Sorcery forever shattered his health. He is the youngest mage in Krynn history to ever take and pass the Test of High Sorcery. It was during the test, that Raistlin made a deal with a lich, unknowingly giving the lich exactly what he was a looking for. From the moment the lich entered Raistlin's body till the time Raistlin expelled it using the Dragonorb, they would fight a battle of wills on a daily basis. During the Chronicles Trilogy up until midway through Dragons of Springs Dawn, Raistlin had worn The Robes of the order of Red Mages. It was during his time away from the group that he switched from red to black and ultimatly concocted the plan to bring down the Queen of Darkness from the inside out. Once the war of the lance ended, Raistlin Cloistered himself in his tower studying all manner of things from exotic and dangerous spells, to history, to language. Before the events of Legends, Raistlin took on an apprentice Dalamar The Dark, a dark elf acting as a spy for the Conclave. It was during the Legends Trilogy that Raistlin would go back in time to confront the man who would eventually become the Lich living in his body Fistindantalus. Using his cunning and charm, Raistlin became one of Fistindantalus's apprentices got to know the man's weaknesses and then fought him to the death and took his place to keep the Flow of history the same knowing full well an ever present watchful eye was recording the events. Raistlin along with his twin brother would follow the path of history until they reached the place where Raistlin would try for godhood. Raistlin is a dangerous, cunning, manipulative and sometimes sweet wizard. He is cold and calculating to which many of his friends turn to him for advice when it comes to making plans. Bitter and jaded from all the tormenting he recieved throughout his life, he uses his emotional detachment to keep himself in a position to never be hurt by people. His power as a wizard is something to be feared, had he not had a sudden change of heart at the end of Legends, he would have destroyed Takahisis and taken her place as the God of Time and Darkness.

Bio: A member of and later leader of the Istari a seemingly immortal race of wizards who can only be killed in violent ways hence why they seem to have particularly long lives. Gandalf is kind and compassionate, yet can be stern and quick to point out your short comings. His temper is legendary and so is his fight with the Balrog having died in the fight only to be brought back to life to continue the fight with Sauron. Gandalf has been seen to do many extraordinary feats of magic as well as feats of physical combat with his sword Glamdring the counter part to Bilbo and later Frodo's short sword Sting. Gandalf was the one who defeated Saruman the former leader of the Istari and replaced him.

It is a battle of two great wizards and it is going to be epic. Raistlin while appearing to be outmatched even by the old wizard Gandalf, appearances can be deceiving. I see this fight going down to the wire with both Wizards spent from casting and casting at each other. I know I am gonna get A LOT of heat for this but I give the win to Raistlin. ON THE GROUNDS, that he has the advantage of having Fistindantalus's Blood Stone. A Stone which heals any and all wounds inflicted on holder.

1 comment:

  1. i'm sorry if raistlin doesn't win with spells gandalf will cleave his head off
