Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shameless English Vs American

Okay, So I recently got into a show that started on Showtime called Shameless. A show about a lowerclass family of 8 kids who live with their drunken disabled father in a horrible neighborhood. There has only been one episode here in America. BUT as I was spreading the word of this fun show, it comes to my attention, that there is a BBC show of the same name with the same concept.

The English version and the American version if you watch them side by side, you have the exact same show. Just less cursing in one, more tits (and dicks) in the other. The family is more diverse in the American with Liam being black in American version and having Turrets (Fits) in the English. But both versions all the characters are named the same.

Are American writers really that low on ideas that we have to Americanize other countries original tv shows. This saddens me, it truly does.


  1. Shameless, skins, being human (oh and the office too....) and soon misfits... wonder if they'll try the inbetweeners... not that all us adaptions are bad (some are great) but some do lose the character of the show (ehemskins) because the social context just isn't relevant. (and something is culled in the class system topics) Just like the uk adaption of law and order makes no sense because... well... there's a different procedural system here so adapting the scripts doesn't make sense...

  2. That is very true indeed. I have watched both Versions of the Office and Shameless, I happen to like the UK Versions better but Shameless is just as good as the UK Version imo.

  3. American version is much better than English!!

  4. That is your opinion and you are welcome to it. But the English version is just as good. :)peace out
