Friday, January 28, 2011

To The Green Hornet Haters

Okay before I begin, I KNOW that everyone is entitled to an opinion because as they say. "Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one." It seems to me though that the people who hate on this movie, hate this movie because they didn't understand it at all. If you are outside of geek culture and have never picked up a comic or been inside of a comic shop you are more likely then not, not going to know who The Green Hornet is. Green Hornet is a good guy who acts like a bad guy to keep himself from the moral code that seems to plague your typical superhero. So if you really wanted to, you can chalk Green Hornet up as an Anti-hero.

I am not trying to call you ignorant or stupid for hating on this movie. I am however calling you myopic. You have a chance to experience a class of superhero that not many heroes can be. If you have to give this movie anything give it this, Green Hornet was a well directed and shot movie with a great script. Unlike Ghost Rider (another virtual unknown outside of the geek community) who's direction and script and pacing was that of a snail in a turtle race. So instead of just going all "I hate this movie, it was suckfest and retarded." Take a step back and look at it from a new angle and experience it in a way you don't normally think of Superheroes. Green Hornet is one of the reasons I like Anti-Heroes better then Heroes. So I urge all of you who hated Green Hornet to give it a second chance.

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