Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sick of breaking my leg falling off the wagon (Diet Wagon)

It is back to a diet for me. It is mandatory for me I have less then 30 days to try and get into better shape. So I am gonna do the diet and Exercise while I am still unemployed.

1/2 cup egg whites or 2 eggs or Oatmeal (no sugar) with applesauce and Cinnamon to improve the taste of the Oatmeal

Protein bar for a mid morning snack

Grilled Chicken and Veggies with Brown Rice

Protein Bar for mid afternoon snack

Chicken or Fish with salad

1 to 2 hours daily until weight comes down, and then work in Weight lifting to increase metabolism and harden the body.


  1. Because that is when I can apply for another store for Toys R Us and I hope to be in better shape then I am now
